Friday 30 April 2010

The last day of April♥ Each day is so precious... : )

my body

i wanna be slim but i'm still chubby-.-" i'm waiting for him to come to Japan to teach me more on weight losing. hmm i wish that he's next to me now.


昨天我去美容外科打胎盘素和减肥的点滴。打了过后我觉得很精神,背后不会又酸又痛。我才27岁,身体却很糟。生产后变成这样的。每两周需要打一次,不然就被打回原型了,哈哈。然后我去nail salon去死皮。我买了cuticle cream因为我的手指太干燥了。女人的钱真好赚!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Paul Frank sleepwear

Getting this cute sleepwear for my naughty daughter, ahaha :D

I hope that she doesn't behave like a monkey after wearing it, lol. alright time for me to ZZZ, ciao X 2.

Foot Peel Pack

This is a MUST for every girls who want a pair of smooth feet. It helps to remove dead skin cells :D

I've a pair of smooth feet now. I'm happy with this product. Will continue using it.

Monday 26 April 2010

Ralph Lauren swimwear

Received RL swimwear today. I'm taking my daughter to Ito Yokado even though I'm super duper tired, awww. will continue to blog later, ciao X 2.

Sunday 25 April 2010

やだ~ これ超かわいい~☆☆☆

ネットでかわいいD&G juniorロゴ入りロングTシャツを見つけた。先ほど、お支払いしたから届くの楽しみにしてるよ(笑)

designer wears

I saw a classy dior junior dress at one of omotesando random shop but size 4T ain't available-.-" But I managed to get armani junior clothing for my girl so it wasn't so bad afterall. Is my girl spoiled? It would seem that my girl has everything a child could want. Since young I've been buying designer clothes for her and she always gets her own way. Luckily my baby sister is due somewhere around June :D
I don't give away expensive wears to friends babies even though there are friends of mine asking for them. Well in my opinion I think those who can't afford to buy designer clothes for their babies ain't fit to wear them. You want it, buy it yourself and not from me. I'm giving to my sister baby 'cause she is related to me. Don't expect me to be too generous to friends. Friends can say that I'm selfish but I don't give a damn.

Saturday 24 April 2010

another sleepless night-.-"

My daughter cut her hair again, proofing she loves her extra short bob and has no intention on growing it. So I brought her for a proper haircut yesterday. Now she looks like Victoria Beckham, lol. She has a small face, sharp features so yea she looks good in short bob.
I promised to bring her to Bape Kids store later which is located at omotesando. If I'm in a good mood, I'll snap a few pictures of our new hairstyle. For mine, is the same. Straight long black hair.
Right now I'm trying out Foot Peel Pack. Let's see if I get a pair of baby feet as it claimed that it helps to remove all dead skin cells :D
I found a nice Ralph Lauren fullzip parka online. Gonna get it for myself :p I'm not vain but I like looking good all day, ahaha.

Friday 23 April 2010

Blogging: Hobby Turned Addiction?

Blogging is fun, basically I'll be just typing away at whatever's on my mind. Yesterday I was pissed at my daughter. She cut her own hair when I was taking my afternoon nap. Now she looks like her silly daddy. Talking about her daddy, he's a pain in my ass. The words coming out from his mouth are like thorns that always pierce through my heart. I'm trying to be very patient with him but he has to know that there is a limit to everything. I just want him to acknowledge his biological daughter but that stupid dumb is always telling me not to force him to do something which he doesn't want to. If not he will hate her. All I can say is he's a stupid dumb. His life is a bitch and he will die with regrets, I'm sure. He will die in his sins for cheating on me, cursing the unborn baby and walking away during my pregnancy. For this, he isn't fit to live. If he keeps his word then he will never taste on death. He has a nice job, a nice car, always changing his gfs but I'm not proud of him at all 'cause he doesn't know what's love. It's his daughter that he should be paying attention to, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Loser, if you are reading this I just want you to know that you're a pathetic man.

aubade lingerie

3月时我像发了疯似的。一直买法国lingerie,超贵的耶。我喜欢它的lace,很性感。法国bra很薄,没push up所以穿起来很舒服。我只买aubade lingerie。我的size很难买bra因为百货公司都很少有34E的bra。日本的bra我穿75G所以一直以来我都买wacoal salute的bra。这个牌子也不便宜但是它没aubade的贵。其实在法国aubade没日本卖得贵。在日本进口货都很贵耶。那些人很会做生意耶。这里有一些aubade的照片,性感吧,^_^


我的妹妹打电话给我,把我吵醒了。现在睡不着了所以就写BLOG咯。奇怪耶!之前都没那么喜欢Ralph Lauren的,现在却超喜欢耶。去年的我超喜欢穿maxi dress,我买了蛮多件哦。我觉得日本的不够好看所以从美国买了好几件。我个子高,前凸后翘所以穿maxi dress很适合我。今年的我比较喜欢穿牛仔裤和普通的上衣。穿牛仔裤能显示我的翘屁股,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
我对目前的身材还是很不满。唯一能做的就是去gym 'cause workout is the fastest way to burn fat但是我超懒惰耶。今年的夏天我要带美雪去海边所以我一定要减肥。

1st day in school :p

4月21日我去上电脑课程。同学和老师都认为我很年轻。现在我知道了。那些批评我的人是在妒忌我,哈哈哈。 最然很累很想睡觉但是换来的都很自得。我的吸收力很强所以学东西超快的。这就能证明了,不一定胸大的女人是没脑的,呵呵。 这个课程学完了后,我还想学其他电脑课程。人嘛,活到老,学到老嘛。这样做人才有意义嘛。

I went to attend computer lesson today. My teachers and classmates said that I'm young, lol. I realised that for those who can't stop putting me down, they're just jealous of me, hahaha. It's was tiring, my eyes were drooping but overall it was worth it. I like learning new things, and I am a pretty fast learner. This proofs that not all busty girls are stupid, LOL. I wanna attend other courses after I'm done with my current. I wanna spend my whole life learning many different things 'cause I'm never too old to learn. Many people have the mistaken idea that age is a drag on learning - that you lose your capacity to learn as you grow older. For many working adults the time to go back to school has never been better. Learning is making life so wonderful.

Thursday 22 April 2010


鼻炎又发作了,好辛苦耶。我刚起床服了两颗药。我觉得身体好累耶,应该是时候去打胎盘素了吧。我准备30号才去美容外科。这回我想打美白,防老,疲劳康复的点滴,里面包含了胎盘素的成分。周围的人都说我的皮肤很白,看起来很年轻但是我总觉得我不够完美。昨晚在Ito Yokado时,站在我傍边的obasan看着我,一直说‘綺麗 綺麗’好多次。我好害羞,我马上回她そんなことないよ。没想到我没化妆时也有人会觉得我好看,哈哈哈。很多人说我看上去很有气质但是很可惜我不会说话。无所谓啦!现在开始慢慢改也不迟嘛!天下无难事,只怕有心人。我希望做个成功的女人所以我会努力上课,O(∩_∩)O~
我还会做好吃的给我的宝贝女儿吃。我并不完美,我的缺点就是我讨厌做家务和我超喜欢买东西。我还蛮大方的。除了买给自己和自己的女儿以外,我还会买给我的家人和我周围的朋友。目前我超喜欢Ralph Lauren的衣服和Baby的靴子。小小双的,超可爱耶。我时常忍不住就买给我小妹的女儿。目前已经买了3双了,呵呵。

New Bikini

holala it has been ages since i last wore bikini. looking at this photo, i realised that my face became smaller, ahaha. yes, finally i did it. would love to lose more weight.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

I'm in love with Ralph Lauren :D

This is what I'm getting for myself :D OMG, am head over heels in love with Ralph Lauren. Isn't it lovely?? Gonna wear it with my jeans, yea :)

Monday 19 April 2010

my new summer plan :p

seriously i need to lose tummy fats 'cause am going to wear my Ed Hardy bikini during summer :p i wanna look sexy & hot again. well workout is the fastest way to burn fat>.< for a lazy person like me it's gonna be tough though!! 

Wednesday 14 April 2010


跟很多女人比起来,我算幸福了。不必打工又有钱花。时常去逛街。拥有蛮多豪华的衣类但是这种生活越来越闷啊!!因为我太喜欢买东西,现在家里的空间越来越小。我已经把不 要的东西给掉或丢掉但是空间还是很少所以我一定 要努力把家里整理好。有些人为了三餐而烦但我 呢?因为家里太乱而 烦。真是生在福中不知福。 我叼蛮任性又时常闹便妞。天生懒惰,喜欢过着奢侈的生活。物質上的享受对我来说很重要。我不断追求奢侈的生活,享受著常人看起來近乎 浪費的生活方式上。除了付房租和水电费以外,我把剩下的钱都花在品牌服裝,高级化粧品。。。。。。 真的快闷死了!!我想打工啊!!但我没信心因为以我的性格,我认为我没可能每天去上班。。。为了过更奢侈的生活,我可能会去打工哦。我有新...的 梦想啊!! 就是学开车再拥有自己的车。这样我就可以送miyuki上下学了。多方便啊!!为了实现我的梦想,我决定不再乱买东西了。我的汗语真的太逊了》《 有很多汗字,我看不懂啊》《真的好逊耶!!


我对美容外科超有兴趣的耶。打了胎盘素过后,我的背和肩膀已不再痛了。皮肤也变好了。女人嘛,外表是很重要的。佛靠金装,人靠衣装嘛。我觉得女人应该把皮肤保养好。最近我觉得自己老化了所以我决定不要乱发脾气了。可能就可以保养。我天不怕地不怕,最怕变老。这辈子我都要永远性感。人都要经过生老病死这个阶段。我却很害怕变老。幸好日本的美容外科很发达所以我再也不必怕有皱纹了,哈哈。因为我害怕变老所以我已经戒烟了。我还时常吃水果和蔬菜。真希望永远 都可以保持现在的样子。

Winter & Summer

my favourite season is winter. i hope to retire in a winter land. Tokyo isn't cold enough, i don't really like it. i want to sit in front of a fireplace, drinking hot chocolate with some delicious chocolate=) i love chocolate very much.

i'm not a lizard, i can survive without heat. i hate summer, i really do. summer sucks><><>